Every home, in every community, deserves the security provided by homeowners insurance. However, one hazard that will not have coverage under homeowners insurance is flooding. While you can buy flood insurance to protect yourself against the ramifications of this hazard, you still have to do what you can to minimize the effects of floods, if they every do occur.

There is no foolproof way to protect your home from flooding, but there are many things you can do to minimize the effects of oncoming water. Make it your priority to reduce the flood risks around your property with these recommendations.
Safeguarding Your Home Against Flooding
Floods can occur in any home, even in those that have never flooded before, and have little risk of ever flooding again. Still, it only takes one flood to cause substantial damage, and even an inch of water in your home could cause a massive repair bill that you didn’t expect.
Consider a few ways to minimize the risk of flooding in your home:
Keep your gutters, ditches and other drainage pipes clear of debris. If any of these systems are damaged, then have them repaired. If you have wash zones under your home, then also make sure that these areas are clear.
Your roof is your first line of protection against rainwater. If it has damage, then it could easily allow water, pests or other debris into not only your attic, but also other areas of the home that are supposed to be sealed.
Your foundations, if they have cracks other types of damage, will not seal out moisture. Therefore, keep an eye on areas of the foundation that lead into basements or other areas of the home. If you notice water entering the home.
Will Insurance Cover Flood Damage?
If a flood ever threatens your home, then your priority, of course, is to get your family and most important belongings to safety. Therefore, the time to prepare your home for a flood is when there is virtually no risk of one imminently occurring (e.g., when the weather is clear).
The unfortunate fact of the matter is that standard homeowners insurance will not cover flood damage. For most types of floods (e.g., storm surges, flash floods and river swells) you will need flood insurance. These policies are usually underwritten by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and can offer coverage for your dwelling, possessions, and the costs of cleaning up after a flood.
Still, even though flood insurance is a strong piece of protection if floods do occur, you still need to do what you can to minimize the risk of ever having to make a claim. When put together, your preparedness techniques and your flood insurance can create a comprehensive level of protection for your property.
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